適用范圍 Application DZ47-100H(NC)系列高分斷小型斷路器具有保護線路的短路過載,適用于照明配電系統(tǒng)和電動機的配電系統(tǒng)。外型美觀小巧、重量輕,性能優(yōu)良可靠,分斷能力較高,脫口迅速,導軌安裝,殼體和部件采用高助燃級耐沖擊塑料,使用壽命長,主要用于交流50Hz或60Hz,單極230V,二級,三級,四級400V線路的過載、短路保護,同時也可以在正常情況下不頻繁地通斷電器裝置和照明線路。該產品符合IEC60898和GB10963.1等標準的要求。 DZ47-100H(NC) mini circuit breaker is mainly suitable for overload and short circuit protection.It is of pleasing out-look,light weight,reliable performance,high breaking capacity,quick trip.etc.Its frame and parts adopt plastic of high inflammable resistance and shock resistance for long service life.It is mainly used for overload and short service life.It is mainly the circuit of AC50/60Hz,rated votage of sing pole up to 230V,two,three and four pole up to 415V,It can also be used for and unfrequent switchover of the circuit and illumination under normal conditions.This product conform to the requirment of IEC60898 and GB10963.1 standards. 主要技術參數(shù) Main Technical Specifications額定電流Rated current(ln)極數(shù)Pole number額定電壓Rated voltage(Ue)額定短路分析能力Rated capacity of shortcircuit試驗線路預期電流Breaking capacity功率因數(shù) Power factor32,50,63,80,100,125123060000.40-0.452,3,4230/40060000.50-0.552,3,440060000.50-0.55 注:1、
機械壽命:20000次(斷一通)。 2、抗?jié)駸犷愋停?類(溫度55℃時,相對濕度95%)。 3、接線采用帶夾箍的接線端子,電纜截面可達:25mm2 。Note:1、Mechanical lfie:20000 times(oc.o). 2、Humind hotness resistian:2 type (when the temperature is 55℃,relative humidity is (95%). 3、Connection:using the connecting terminal with clip,the section of fixed cable can up to 22mm2