Temperature Scale:
Celsius (℃), Fahrenheit (ㄈ) or Kelvin (K) user-selectble
Measurement Range:
-50℃ to 1300℃, -58ㄈ to 2000ㄈ, 223K to 2000K
Resolution: 1℃ or 1ㄈ, 0.1℃ or 0.1ㄈ,1 K
Accuracy:Accuracy is specified for operating temperatures over the
range of 18℃to 28℃(64ㄈ to 82ㄈ), for l year, not including thermocouple error.
±2℃---------------------- -50℃ to 0℃
±4ㄈ---------------------- -58ㄈ to 32ㄈ
±5K---------------------- 223K to 273K
±(0.5% rdg+1℃)-------- 0℃ to 1000℃
±(0.8% rdg+1℃)-------- 1000℃ to 1300℃
±(0.5% rdg+2ㄈ)-------- 32ㄈto 2000ㄈ
±(1.0% rdg+2K)-------- 273Kto 2000K