上海供應,KLUBERTEMP HM83-402,深圳(安富來),金牌服務熱線:0755-28123126,13631685879 高小姐,詳情請瀏覽 www.jdl668.com 安富來潤滑油有限公司主要代理克魯勃(Kluber)殼牌潤滑油(Shell)、美孚潤滑油(Mobil)、嘉實多潤滑油、BP潤滑油、埃索潤滑油(ESSO)等國際知名品牌潤滑油。概述:KLUBERTEMP HM83-402 Application:
Klübertemp HM 83-402 is suitable for long-term and lifetime lubricated plain and rolling bearings subject to high temperatures, e.g. in? conveyor systems ? automatic wafer baking machines ? the pulp and paper industry ? the wood processing industry ? the chemical industry ? the iron and steel industry ? the manufacture of ceramics and bricks
KLUBERSYNTH,克魯勃UH1 64-62克魯勃耐低溫潤滑劑系列:KLUBER ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32 N、NCA 51、NB 52、AK 50 克魯勃標準型潤滑劑系列:KLUBER CENTOPLEX GLP 500、 2EP、KLUBERPLEX BEM 41-132 克魯勃高速潤滑劑系列:KLUBER ISOFLEX LDS 18 SPECIAL A 、KLUBER ISOFLEX NBU 15、 KLUBERSPEED BF42-12、BF72-22 克魯勃低噪音潤滑劑系列:KLUBER ASONIC HQ 72-102、Q 74-73、GHY 72、KLUBERQUIET BQ 72-72、 BQH 7 KLYBER UH1 14-31/克魯勃UH1 14-31食品,Klubersynth UH1 14-31,KLUBERSYNTH V64-300安富來銷售中心發(fā)布