壹臺 二手德?海德堡速霸型 SPEEDMASTER 74-4-H(高堆收?臺)四色大四?平??印?,配?CPC 1-04?墨量及套準?控?置,CP窗?字化印刷?控制、??和??系?及ALCOLOR原?酒精?版系?, 年份一九九七年。
⇒ CPC 1-04 Remote Control Console with Light Pen and CPC Data Card(CPC 1-04 ?墨量及套??控?置? CPC??及 CPC?音卡)
⇒ CP Tronic Digitized Press Control (CP窗?字化印刷?控制、??和??系?)
⇒ Original ALCOLOR Continuous-Film Dampening System with Cross-Flow Fan and Technotrans Circulating Unit (海德堡原?酒精?版系??泰??版液循?冷??置)
⇒ ‘HEIDELBERG AUTOPLATE’ - Automated Plate Changing (自??版?置)
⇒ ‘HEIDELBERG REGISTER’ - Diagonal Adjustment of Plate Cylinder (?控版?斜角套??置)
⇒ Automatic Blanket, Inking Roller & Impression Cylinder Wash-up Device controlled via CP Tronic(自?清洗橡皮布、墨?及?印?筒?置)
⇒ Chromed Impression Cylinders (??硬??印?筒)
⇒ Grafix Powder Sprayer (?粉?置)
⇒ Completed with standard accessories & tools (??配件)
⇒ Approx. 90 million prints, in Production in Europe (印次?9仟??,?洲使用中)