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喜訊TK102-2車載GPS 定位器 追蹤器

品 牌: 喜訊 
型 號: TK102-2 
規(guī) 格: TK102-2 
單 價: 面議 
起 訂:  
供貨總量: 5000000 臺
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 廣東 深圳市
有效期至: 長期有效
更新日期: 2014-05-04 19:55
瀏覽次數: 1000
【喜訊TK102-2車載GPS 定位器 追蹤器】詳細說明
坐標雙顯功能:有防水功能:防水電池使用時間:100(h)類型:兩用電池類型:鋰電池面積計算功能:有地圖功能:有分辨率:159裝箱數:20或30界面文字:英文內存:128(M)外接電源形式:座充或車載天線類型:內置外形尺寸:46*64*17(mm)屬性:屬性值坐標雙顯功能:防水功能:電池使用時間:類型:電池類型:面積計算功能:地圖功能:分辨率:裝箱數:界面文字:內存:外接電源形式:天線類型:外形尺寸:屬性:1 SummaryWorking Based on existing GSM/GPRS network and GPS satellites, this product can locate and monitor any remote targets by SMS or GPRS.2 ApplicationslRental vehicle / Fleet management etclProtect the child / the old / the disabled / pet etclProtect businessmenlPersonnel managementlCovert Tracking3 Hardware Description3.1 Front Face 3.2 Rear Face3.3 Side FaceYou can update software, charge battery from here.You can press the “SOS” buttons for 3s for emergent help.Turn on / off the unit here.GSM/GPRS antenna is insideMicrophone4 Specs.ContentSpecs.Dim.64mmx 46mm x 17mm(1.8”*2.5”*0.65”)Weight50gNetworkGSM/GPRSBand850/ 900/1800/1900MhzGPS chipSIRF3 chipGSM/GPRS moduleSimcom900GPS sensitivity-159dBmGPS accuracy5mTime To First FixCold status 45sWarm status 35sHot status 1sCar charger12—24V input 5V outputWall charger110-220V input 5V outputBatteryChargeable changeable 3.7V800mAh Li-ion batteryStandby48hoursStorage Temp.-40°Cto 85°COperation Temp.-20°Cto 55°CHumidity5%--95% non-condensing
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