上海辰祥電子科技有限公司 聯(lián)系人 :周平 13917885749
1. MTP: 2K x 14 bits MTP ROM (Support ISP uses 5 wires)
2. RAM: 96 x 8 bits
3. STACK: 8 Levels
4. I/O ports: Four Bit programmable I/O ports (Max. 29 pins)
5. Timer0/Counter: 8-bit timer/counter with divided by 1~256 pre-scale option, stop counting
6. Timer1: 16-bit auto-reload able timer with divided by 1~256 pre-scale option
7. Timer2:
15-bit timer2 with divided by 2-bit pre-scale option
15-bit timer2 with 4 interrupt interval option
Timer2 is used to idle mode wake-up timer or one simple 15-bit time base
8. Two 8+2 bits PWM channels capable of 1024 duty resolution and 256 period resolution
9. Two analog voltage comparators
10. PB0~PB7 individual pin low level wake up
11. Oscillation Sources
Fast Clock:
- FXT (Fast Crystal): 1M~12MHz
- FIRC (Fast Internal RC): 4MHz
- XRC (External R, External C): 10K~3MHz
Slow Clock:
- SXT (Slow Crystal): 32768Hz
- XRC (External R, External C): 10K~3MHz